- How would we rebuild the world?
- Who would guide us?
- How would we rebuild communities?
- How would we strive to maintain our humanity?
- People are able to see but not able to speak
- Not having senses available
- A lot of emotion in the people
- People are lacking the strength to carry on with life or the will to live
- If you know how to survive without technology you will survive
- Trading to survive
- Kindness to people
- Do certain things -make people happy- to survive
- Kill animals - innocent
- Do anything to protect his book
- His violence takes over eventually
5. What would survivors of the apocalypse ask?
- Is there a God?
- Relying on God
- Their relief in God will help them walk through hard times
- Keeping faith in humanity
- Bibles were precious if you had one
- They had vanished because they were so rare
- Absence of faith
- The bible is the book of answer of everything
- Precious to people for different kinds
- The bible determines the actions you take, can be manipulated by people
- Religion if used to manipulate people in the film
- Religion is used in reality to determine what kind of person you are and your actions
8. Who will the future leaders be in Post Apocalyptic scenarios?
- Hope
- Humanity can build faith