Action Match:
A shot that cuts to another continuing a piece of action movement between the shots. This allows the audience to see a smooth action despite a cut in the shot. The effect is meant to show the camera is following the camera.
Shot/reverse shot:
Cutting between two people having a conversation rather than including them both in one shot - more likely used in over the shoulder shots).
Cross cutting:
Where the editor cuts between two separate scenes happening in two separate locations at the same time. This illustrates a contrast or link between them.
Jump cut:
A cut that moves to a very similar part of the same scene but missing a piece of action out (e.g. A character is on one side of the room and then is on the other and we don't see him walking/running). This is to speed up the action. Break in continuity.
Fast pace cuts:
To increase the pace or speed of the action and to build up tension and excitement
Used to move the action on without a jump cut making the edit seem smooth and calm.
This is when the first shot is on the screen and the second shot starts appearing on top of it more and more until only the second shot is visible. Often used to link two scenes or two people together. Sometimes is used to show time moving.
Visual effects:
Often depends on what the characters reactions to these special effects are. For example a man who has a reaction to a massive explosion will seem brave/masculine. Symbolic.
Graphic match:
A cut from one shot to another that look visually the same (possibly linked by a similar shape or colour) they are there to show us a clear link between two scenes. Often this is making a comment on the issue.
Slow motion:
Used in the editing process to slow down the action for emotional/comic or dramatic effect.
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