Sunday, 18 September 2016

I am Legend

Today, we watched the opening of 'I am Legend' starring Will Smith. Once again, I wrote notes on the setting, sound, camera angles, narrative, characters and gender and then as a class discussion we spoke about the similarities and differences between 'The Book of Eli' and 'I am Legend'. The setting of 'I am Legend' shows the abandoned streets of what was Christmas time in New York City which was traditionally meant to be a happy time but now a sad time due to the apocalypse. Various sounds happen during this opening, the first one is the 'dun' sound after the news report of 'Dr Krippin' which immediately makes me thing that a doctor Krippin was a murderer so then makes us realise that this 'cure for cancer' is not reliable. The sound of wind blowing makes the viewer uncomfortable because the sound is very harrowing and deathly. Screeching sounds of the cars wheels put the viewer on edge. The use of crane shots over New York city portrays the emptiness of the world and shows us as viewers what is left in the city. The film also starts with establishing shots of the city to show the time and location of the story, to mostly present information of the storyline to the viewers. The narrative is shown clearly in this film opening as after the news report the screen goes black and says 'three years later' shows that the next scene will be post-apocalyptically related. Only one character is involved in this scene, and he is a male character with his dog and he is a very brave, heroic and lonely man who has lived through this bad time by himself with no one and possibly coping with the loss of his family.

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