Friday, 30 September 2016


This is my storyboard video I made giving the baseline for my preliminary film task, showing camera shots and music ideas.

Monday, 26 September 2016



Action Match:
     A shot that cuts to another continuing a piece of action movement between the shots. This allows the audience to see a smooth action despite a cut in the shot. The effect is meant to show the camera is following the camera.

Shot/reverse shot:
     Cutting between two people having a conversation rather than including them both in one shot - more likely used in over the shoulder shots).

Cross cutting:
     Where the editor cuts between two separate scenes happening in two separate locations at the same time. This illustrates a contrast or link between them.

Jump cut:
     A cut that moves to a very similar part of the same scene but missing a piece of action out (e.g. A character is on one side of the room and then is on the other and we don't see him walking/running). This is to speed up the action. Break in continuity.

Fast pace cuts:
     To increase the pace or speed of the action and to build up tension and excitement

     Used to move the action on without a jump cut making the edit seem smooth and calm.

     This is when the first shot is on the screen and the second shot starts appearing on top of it more and more until only the second shot is visible. Often used to link two scenes or two people together. Sometimes is used to show time moving.

Visual effects:
     Often depends on what the characters reactions to these special effects are. For example a man who has a reaction to a massive explosion will seem brave/masculine. Symbolic.

Graphic match:
     A cut from one shot to another that look visually the same (possibly linked by a similar shape or colour) they are there to show us a clear link between two scenes. Often this is making a comment on the issue.

Slow motion:
     Used in the editing process to slow down the action for emotional/comic or dramatic effect.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

I am Legend

Today, we watched the opening of 'I am Legend' starring Will Smith. Once again, I wrote notes on the setting, sound, camera angles, narrative, characters and gender and then as a class discussion we spoke about the similarities and differences between 'The Book of Eli' and 'I am Legend'. The setting of 'I am Legend' shows the abandoned streets of what was Christmas time in New York City which was traditionally meant to be a happy time but now a sad time due to the apocalypse. Various sounds happen during this opening, the first one is the 'dun' sound after the news report of 'Dr Krippin' which immediately makes me thing that a doctor Krippin was a murderer so then makes us realise that this 'cure for cancer' is not reliable. The sound of wind blowing makes the viewer uncomfortable because the sound is very harrowing and deathly. Screeching sounds of the cars wheels put the viewer on edge. The use of crane shots over New York city portrays the emptiness of the world and shows us as viewers what is left in the city. The film also starts with establishing shots of the city to show the time and location of the story, to mostly present information of the storyline to the viewers. The narrative is shown clearly in this film opening as after the news report the screen goes black and says 'three years later' shows that the next scene will be post-apocalyptically related. Only one character is involved in this scene, and he is a male character with his dog and he is a very brave, heroic and lonely man who has lived through this bad time by himself with no one and possibly coping with the loss of his family.

Saturday, 17 September 2016

The Book of Eli

Image result for the book of eli image
Today, we studied the different range of camera angles, ranging from the tracking shot to an extreme close up and what these different angles portray the characters emotions, feelings and expressions during the overall shot. From my studies, I know that an extreme long shot shows the time and location of the setting/scene and that sometimes characters may be in this shot. Also this shot is often used during the start of a film to present the viewers with information of the storyline or narrative. Also in this lesson, we studied the beginning of the film 'The Book of Eli' and I wrote notes on the setting, sound, camera angles, narrative, character and gender. I found that the setting was very dark and mysterious and had the feeling that it was autumn with all the fallen leaves on the ground in the forest. A lot of sounds were going on during the opening, for example the use of the creepy music built up the tension before the cat got shot. Lots of camera angles were used too, for example, a tracking shot followed along the forest to show the gun, which led to the body, showing that obviously the man had committed suicide and then the cat in the back ground slowly approaching the body and then moving onto the person with the gas mask on which then became an extreme close up but also could be interpreted as the cats point of view. This opening doesn't really give a lot away for the narrative of the story, all we can really work out is that this is obviously a dull time in the world. As there are only a few characters in the opening, one of them is dead and one is wearing a gas mask, with a bow and arrow, obviously protecting the body, or killing the cat for food. Gender is an interesting subject for this first scene, as there are no women shown purposely and we assume that the person under the gas mask is a male character.  

Friday, 16 September 2016


Hello! My name is Mia Roberts and I am currently studying AS Level Media Studies, Drama and English Language and Literature at Ashfield Post 16 Centre. my three choices of subjects to study all appeal to me, they all will participate in my career but most importantly I enjoy the subjects! I have lived in Sutton in Ashfield for all my life I have quite a small family around me but I love it, consisting of myself, my Mum and Step-Dad, my 2 Sisters and my best friend in the whole world my dog Buddy!

Since attending Ashfield School in 2011 I have met a very enthusiastic, very outgoing, crazy group of friends who I spend most of my time with in and out of school and I have gone through everything with!

During my free time I like to spend time with my family and my boyfriend, I work a few hours at The Countryman Pub and Dining, spending time with my friends, going out for good food, taking my dog for long walks during the summer months and occasionally partying!

I always knew I wanted to study media at A level, I have always had a creative mind and I thought I would put it into action by creating videos and by collecting these skills it will help my future hugely.